add your website details Hi there, please add as much information about your business here.This is to help us get started on your site. (Feel free to resend the form if necessary or if you’d prefer to email us your details – please email to Your Name Your Email Your Phone Number Your Business Name Do You Have a Domain? Yes No If no, would you like us to assist in ordering a domain name for you? Yes No Would you like monthly hosting and website maintenance? (R150 per month for normal website, R250 per month for Ecommerce websites) No thanks Normal hosting Ecommerce hosting Please write a brief description about your business. Please tell us about the services that you offer Please tell us about your team Please fill in the contact details that you would like to go onto the website If you have ordered an E-commerce website, please upload an Excel doc with Product Names, Product Descriptions, Categories, Prices Please upload company images (if any) here. You can upload up to 20 images. Please ensure they are less than 5mb each. Any more images, please email/ Wetransfer them to us. Please upload any text documents here Send